Financial Calculators
We are happy to do any calculations for you, especially complex ones. Please contact us if you require any guidance or would like help with financial calculations.
Mortgage Calculator
Estimate future interest saved by increasing the frequency of your payments.
Budget Planner
Manage your monthly cash flow to identify opportunities for greater financial security.
Life Insurance Needs
Calculate the capital needed should you or your spouse/partner pass away.
Savings Calculator
If you'll need a certain amount in the future, this shows what you'll have to do between now and then to reach that goal.
Retirement Savings
Not sure what to contribute to your retirement? See what your retirement plan could look like.
Compound Interest
This calculates how much your regular savings contributions will be worth in the future.
Know Your Risk
Tools and calculators to make sure you have the right insurance to protect your loved ones.
Currency Converter
Try this calculator from the Bank of Canada to convert from Canadian dollars based on daily exchange rates.
Investment Calculator
Try this investment calculator from the Bank of Canada to calculate the effects of inflation on investments and savings.
RRIF Payment Calculator
Determine how much income you might get out of your savings.
RDSP Calculator
Project the estimated future value of an RDSP, and the approximate value of future withdrawal payments.
Tax Calculators & Rates
Tax calculators and rate tables to help simplify the tax process by making it easy to figure out how much tax you pay.